John Maxwell Leadership Assessment Tools
and Training Solutions


“Not only should you develop others as a Leader, but you need to develop yourself”- these are the words of Dr. John C. Maxwell, an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, trainer, coach and author, whose philosophy is simple: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” He was voted the #1 Leadership and Management Expert in the World by INC. Magazine.

With his team of certified John Maxwell Speakers, Trainers and Coaches worldwide, and with the use of Dr. Maxwell’s books and learning systems, businesses and individuals can have value added in many ways, including the following: 

Step 1: Conduct Leadership Assessment

A certified John Maxwell speaker & trainer will be assigned to your company who will guide you through the John Maxwell Leadership Assessments that we offer, allowing you to understand the effectiveness of your leadership teams.

Step 2: Address areas for improvement with John Maxwell training

After evaluating your team we will be able to identify the areas that need improvement and make recommendations to address these areas using a number of John Maxwell training programs that we offer.

Leadership Assessment Tools

  • John Maxwell Leadership Game: This is a Leadership Assessment Tool used to improve leadership intelligence and increase their effectiveness. The Leadership Game, which is usually 2-3 hours, uses leadership principles and values from eight of John Maxwell’s #1 books to assess communication skills, address difficult topics, and identify strengths and areas needing improvement.
  • John Maxwell DISC Assessment Program: The 15 minutes DISC methodology used in the Maxwell Method report helps to identify four dimensions/styles – Behaviour, Communication, Strength, and Work styles - and the Assessment is designed to help company team members, couples, parents and students better know themselves, as well as provide them with insights on how they can grow themselves. 

Training in Leadership, Communication Skills, and Personal Growth

  • Masterminds: Training for businesses and individuals in the areas of Leadership, Communication, and Personal Growth where the contents of a number of John Maxwell books or Learning systems are studied in once weekly sessions of 1-2 hours each, over a 4-8 weeks period. Participants will learn how to effectively raise their leadership lid by understanding and implementing the principles found in the John Maxwell learning system being studied.
  • Lunch N Learns: Presentations to businesses in the areas of Leadership, Communication, and Personal Growth, using material from one of John Maxwell’s books or Learning systems. These presentations usually average about 45 minutes to an hour each. The goal is to have each team member walk away with at least one mind-changing idea that will create a desire for motivation and self-improvement to increase productivity and results in your organization, and that they can apply to their work that day.    

Training in Leadership, Communication Skills, and Personal Growth

  • Training for businesses on Leading Through Crisis: During a crisis, bad leadership precipitates a faster fall while good leadership offers steadiness and perseverance. As John taught, there are never two good consecutive days in a leader’s life, which means that leaders should be used to rough times. John says that a crisis is several consecutive bad days that you can’t walk away from. Ultimately, he defines a crisis as “an intense time of difficulty requiring a decision that will be a turning point.”

    With everything going on in the world right now, our current global situation certainly meets that definition! The good news is, as John pointed out, this crisis—like all crises—will eventually pass. The challenge for the leader is to stay strong and steady through the duration. As a leader, John rose to the challenge and devised Leading Through Crisis Mastermind Training programs to assist leaders during the current crisis.   

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